One partner,
everything you need
We help you minimise risk
and maximise value
With R3, you get one partner guiding you throughout the project lifecycle. This starts with identifying realistic and viable opportunities, putting together business cases and developing funding strategies. And it extends to assembling the professional team and taking the project forward through appraisals, planning and delivery.
Importantly, everything we do focuses on regeneration, repurposing and renewal from a community perspective. And that means we always think holistically about value – from economic development and employment prospects to environment, education and wellbeing.
Our approach
Our 5-step process is designed to manage and minimise risks and costs – while empowering decision makers and providing as much certainty
as possible.
We start by listening to what you want to achieve and asking questions to help define your brief and the opportunity.
Then, we analyse your aspirations, constraints and opportunities and arrive at a brief focusing on the potential to drive transformational change.
We develop a high-level business case based on the agreed approach. Not only do we ensure proposals are viable and within budget, but we also help you structure them in the right way – whether it’s managing it in-house, setting up a local authority trading company or creating a joint venture.
We take the proposals through the early stages of design, development and budgeting so we can submit a robust planning application. Throughout this process, we stay focused on ways the project can make people’s lives better and stand the test of time.
This means we think net-zero. It means we think inclusion and social mobility. And it means we think about how to create places using existing assets – truly regenerating and renewing, not just rebuilding or redeveloping.
As we evolve the proposals during the planning process, we test them against the business case and objectives, continually evaluating against your targets and measurable outcomes. That way, we secure planning for a viable project that will create value and realise your vision in the way you want.
Our team has decades of delivery experience and a broad network across all disciplines. We can identify, tender and procure consultants and partners with the right skillsets to meet the project objectives. We independently manage the team to ensure delivery meets the programme, budget and the social outcomes defined by the business case.
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Let’s talk about what you want to achieve